Monday 5 April 2010

okkkk dad

Ryt ok well not really worked thatmuch on the Spam idea but I just did a few spider diagrams to think of how I could rebrand the product but tbh I dont really understand the aim of how I can rebrand. I though of ovbvious thing such as the shape and size of the can and maybe the colour sceme, logo. However I dont want to change the project I simply want it to be seen in a different way. From that I thought of the target audience for this product and who would actually buy this product? Its pretty cheap but when people say Spam its not exaclty on every1s list of favourite foods. From my view the best audience to hit and really persuade to buy something is "The Kids". Sooooo I had an idea of making the product appeal more toa younger age group by mabe creating characters for both boys and girls which could be related to the tin and the products? wheather this is a gd idea r even what the brief is asking I dont know but its a start ryt :$.

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