Thursday, 18 February 2010

gawdddddd stop chewing on my toes man!

sooo started some ideas for our next visual communications project which basically issss.... Create a poster and trophy for a real competition or made up. So i did abit of research and found really bizzare stuff like extreme ironing, worm charming, nettle eating>!: weirdoooooos of this worlddddd! Then i cam across a dwarf throwing comp which I though was rather funnyyyy. Looked at some competition posters and trophys from all sorts of comps from the MTV AWARDS to golf comps to eating comps. Also went in and had a seminar and chatted about ideas but still not too sure on what competition im going to doo an wot style i want my poster and trophy to look :\. Alsooo beeen looking a bit more into my film ideas for tuesdays sessions with Paul. Was looking at the Coco Cola advert made with a mix of animation and real life. The basic aim of the advert is a made up version of wot happens inside drinks machine before we actualy receive our coke. The advert is really make-up belive and child like but i really like it as you cant help but watch even tho you already know wot the adverts about. I also love the new evain baby advert. Babiesssss full on roller bladinggg maahahahah i luvvv itttttt:)xxxxxxxx

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