Monday 22 February 2010

Jake would love itttttttt!

Love is all you needdddddd!WELLLLLL went in uni as you dooo got a brewwwwww then did a workshop on lettering. We had to draw a phrase, lyrics, film title but try to make the letering resemble what the phrase/film etc was about. SSSSSSOOOOO as you can see I decided to draw the lyrics 'all you need is loveee' but to represent the LOVE I decided to shape the letters in a love heart shapeeeee!i love itttttt!

Alsooo was thinking about my animation project and a was thiking of using the bettles song all you need is love in the video as a kinda link with he bluecoats and liverpool????oh dearrrr decisionsssssss yo hmmm.

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