Wednesday 17 February 2010

Yo Pigeon!

okkkkkk soooooooo im poopppp on computers but I though this blog stuff is easier than writing a diary everydayyyyy:) soooooo just got back from Barcelona which was the shizz would defo go there again as theres loads to see but jus not enough time like. Soo had a lecture today with Paul on our film making projects which was pretty alryt. He showed us a few from past years that the students had made. Some involved animation others were mixed but it still gave us all a gd idea on where to start. Also showed us a few adverts and music vids which were made using blue screens which were doing nx wk:) Also had a mini workshop with Tim, Charlotte and Paul on storyboards and how we can adapt this to make our films flow. So0000 I booked out a film Charlotte suggested aswell called "SLEEP OF SCIENCE" by Michael Gandry. His works reallllll random but his ideas are pretty simple which gave me a few ideas for my film. Decided to go back to the Bluecoats today and have alot again at the gallery space whic we have to work with. Haent started researching the competition project yet :( dont realy understand but a have ao at that later:)bizzzzzzzzzleeeeexxxxxxx

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