Friday 12 March 2010

Shes soooooooo gonna kill us!

Soooooooo today had a lecture about the pathways were gong to be chosing later on this year ready f0r next year. Rob and Tas gave us a breif overview of the illustratio and graphic commnication pathways. I figured im gong to chose the graphic communication as one i cant draw and two I see myself going into advertising and designing rather than being an illustrator but u never knowwwwwww! So anyhuuu a third year then did a workshop with us on how we can bring our interests into our work like fashion, music, etc. We had a quick mind map of everthing we felt inked with fashion and graphics and then moved on to designing a letter A wit different media like paints, crayons etc. It was gong pretty nice until ruk got bareeee carried away with the yellow paint! The girl realy did look like he wanted to kill us all:(.

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